
Contact the Exams


 Exams Officer: Ms Helen Frampton


Exam Boards

For individual examination boards and information, please click the link below and navigate to the appropriate subject:


 General Information and Conditions of Entry

Examination Entry

  • The school will make decisions to enter students for appropriate examinations
  • Decisions about entries are important and we take considerable care to make the right decision for each student

Provisional Entries

If there is some concern over whether the student should be entered for an exam, they will receive a letter detailing which subjects are involved, outlining the concerns and how these need to be addressed.  Students can only be withdrawn from exams after consultation with the relevant Head of Department in agreement with the Head of Year.

Attendance at Examinations

  • Students must attend all examinations for which they have been entered
  • If they are unable to attend they must notify the Exams Office as soon as possible
  • If absence is due to sickness students may be able to claim special consideration if medical evidence e.g. doctor's certificate is provided

Payment for Missed Examinations

  • If any part of an examination is missed, including coursework, and no acceptable reason is given, the student will be expected to pay for the cost of entering each examination
  • Cost of examinations varies between £10-£20 for units/modules and £27+ for subjects


  • Coursework/controlled assessment is an essential element of almost all GCSE and GCE examinations
  • If it is not completed and submitted by the deadlines given, students will either be ungraded or be awarded a much lower grade by the Examination Board.

 Contingency planning

The qualification regulators, JCQ and government departments responsible for education have prepared and agreed information for schools and colleges in the event of examinations being seriously disrupted. This jointly agreed information will ensure consistency of response in the event of major disruption to the examinations system affecting significant numbers of candidates. You must therefore ensure that you are available to be in school on these days should the need arise.

 Results days:

 GCE  A Level:     Thursday 15th August 2024

 GCSE :   Thursday 22nd August 2024

If you are unable to collect your results in person you may nominate someone on your behalf however you will need to write a letter to the Exam department identifying who that is and they will need to bring some ID when they collect. You may also provide us with a Large Stamped address envelope and we will post them out.

Collecting Exam Certificates

Certificates arrive in school late October, once Enquiry about Exams has closed.

They are only issued once and as a school we are expected to destroy if not collected after a year. These are often asked to be produced by prospective employers and so need to be collected and kept. To get replacements from the Exam boards could cost in the region of £100.

Please ensure that we have a contact email or number if you are going to be leaving Stratton this summer so that we can contact you to collect when available.

Useful Resources

Two books especially useful for students concerned about their exams can be found in the school library:

The Teenage Guide to Stress and Blame

My Brain: The Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed

both by Nicola Morgan. 

Both books offer valuable insights into coping with life at this busy time.  

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